Category Archives: Lightning Round

Lightning Round – 2013/11/20

Advice to those struggling in the faith.

“Christianity is not about acceptance. It is not about tolerance. It is about separating the wheat from the chaff and dividing the sheep from the goats. In his own words, Jesus makes it perfectly clear that he did not come to bring peace. He is, in fact, the dividing factor.”
Related: Christians are required to be dicks.

Are women attracted to evil? And the righteous alpha.

Of love and lust.

If you stopped something, would anyone care?

ABlack spade (cards) recommends LARPing.

The discounting of lived male experience.

Vox with some marriage advice.
Related: Badger responds.
Related: Rules for fighting.

Feminists are bad at economics.

Why do feminists think women are only good for sex? What else of value does a feminist contribute?

A failure of leadership in churches concerning women and home-making.
Related: A disgusting pedestalization of women.

You’re likely to get a lot less sex in marriage than you desire.

Backleading is unattractive.

Women: keep your hair long if you want to attract a guy.
Related: Zhai2nan2 has a great suggestion.

Rebellion as deadly threat.

Black-knighting: mutual rape.

Man’s attraction is stable, woman’s is dynamic.

Calling women ma’am.

A letter about someone I once knew.

The decline of the cultural foundation.

The rumblings of discontent and our future.

Heaven on earth.

Does Europe have more hope than the US?
Related: A bit more on immigration in Europe and the US.

Neoreaction in the Daily Caller. Good on Bryce.
Related: Outsideness is weirded out.

Radish knocks it out of the park on democracy and intellectuals.

Anti-anti-reactionary FAQ: Sluts.

Why do so many liberals want the government to behave like a plantation owner?

You can never know where the edge is, for unexpected equilibrium forces may arise.

Neoreactionary economics.

Democracy as warfare.

The problem with “we need religion”.

My take: All right-thinking, orthodox Christians should work together in our war. Our differences are petty compared to the what our common foes wish to unleash.

America should treat its young better.

On Alger Hiss.

Conservatives are turning against cops.

Stupid U.
Related: Explaining the college bubble.

They have this at my work, but it is entirely optional. I don’t donate and dislike the United Way because my first year working I used the workplace campaign to donate to World Vision and a local Christian soup kitchen and the UW took about 10% off for administrative costs. I do still go to the pizza and chili fundraisers. Also, it is horribly inefficient as the amount of time (ie. government salary dollars) and resources spent on this campaign far outweigh the meager amounts they do fund-raise.

Advice for media interviews.

Hazing is good.

An interesting Augustine quote to ponder.

A Watsoning in Denmark.

Why the left hates Tom Kratman.

Thank you Military.”

France, ADHD, and school shootings.

Police your institutions or the leftists will overtake them.

HR women discriminating against pretty women.
Related: Abolish HR

Gays can now enjoy the wonders of the alimony system.

If you can’t get them from the front, take them from behind.

You can really tell the demographic Obama is reaching out to with Obamacare.
Related: Roissy comments.
Related: A little more Obamacare schaedenfreude.

Death panels may be the only ethically justifiable aspect of Obamacare.

The 97% consensus “factoid” is false.

Kerry O’Brien, Walter Forrest, Dermot Lynott, and Michael Daly are publishing bad science.

16 things foreigners couldn’t believe about America.

Slate makes one of the best anti-food stamp arguments I’ve read in a while.

For the Canucks: Trudeau’s greatest hits.

(H/T: SDA, Foseti,

Lightning Round – 2013/11/13

A shorter one today. I have some new responsibilities at work which may decrease the reading I do, leading to shorter LR’s in the future.

18 things every 18-year-old should know. Don’t agree with every one of them, but it’s mostly excellent advice.

Stop searching for secrets to success; take action.
Related: How to get everything you want.
Related: Where to find motivation.

Women, value, and praise.

Female beauty is a gift from God, appreciate it; have standards.

Stoics and romance.

Post-scarcity and the sexual marketplace.
Related: Crowding out the private sector husband.

The new script is nothing like the old script.
Related: Our society knows nothing of marriage.

Female divorce calculator. The women I want to marry would have a 7% risk; not bad.

A defence of duty sex.

On ethno-nationalism.

Potential approximations of neoreaction.

This history of the nations of North America reads awfully like neoreactionary history.

The primacy of scripture: Ballista recommends I use scripture alone.
Related: Protestantism, Catholicism, and the Bible.

Satanism in the church.

Reality fails the Bechdal test.

The lie of “feminism is believing men and women deserve equal rights.”

Gender equality measures “work”.

“Men do not need a “movement”. Men do not need to “go their own way”. Men like women need truth.”

Is paternity fraud worse than rape?

Why women oppose prostitution.

Orson Scott Card’s interview answer.

The new rules of engagement.
Related: Helena Kincaid demands free stuff.
Related: TV is evil.

The difference between totalitarianism and our modern petty authoritarianism is the totalitarians assumed you would become a man, our authoritarians assume you will remain a boy.

The failure of conservatism.

The wages of socialism. Coming soon to a country near you.

More indoctrination in the common core.

Minimum wage destroys the black working class.

The success of Zimbabwe.

On right-wing authoritarianism.

An experiment on the racism of liberals.

The left pursues solidarity over truth.
Related: Remember, the barbarians hate the very concept of beauty.

Is the Flynn effect due to life becoming more like an IQ test?

(H/T: SDA)

Lightning Round – 2013/11/06

Science and game: flirting trumps looks. Great post.

The female fear of male standards.
Related: The loser mentality of the left.

Submission and corrupted authority.
Related: “Why do modern women try to use sex to secure commitment from men?”

On gender constructs.
Related: Why sluttiness is unattractive.


Testing a wife: is she a good worker?

Micro- and macro-game.

Social Pathologist thinks the Cathedral is lining up for a major attack on the manosphere.

Even old women hate gammas.

As outside, so inside: you can judge a book by its cover.

7th century BC poet on women.
Related: An African folk tale.

Good advice on ripping off restaurants and credit card companies. I do both.

Two books by John Durant that look worth reading.

20 signs he’s a player.

Where have all the good women gone?
Related; Women’s worst enemies are other women.

Savages and the post-civilized world.

The end of the grey middle.

Making neoreaction simple.
Related: The conceptual tools of neoreaction.

Anti-anti-reactionary FAQ: ever-leftward movement.
Related: The anti-anti-reactionary FAQ: freedom and monarchy.

The neoreactionary racial litmus test. I do rather like Sowell myself.

The shibboleth threat.

Entryism and apostolic succession.

Orson Scott Card on the SFWA.

Hitting the left where it hurts.
Related: Punch back twice as hard. Don’t support the left.

Rumblings of the Catholic right.

Tradition and broadway.

3 possible reasons for leftist behaviour.

Rollo, Susan Walsh, and SMV.
Related: Some more on Walsh’s errors. And some more.

Things seem to be going well for Chad.
Related: He’s voting no longer.

A letter to millenials.

How Alger Hiss explains the Tea Party.

Leftist propaganda in Toronto.

The pull of Harvard.

Another story of life in liberal academia.

The degeneration of language.

Week of praise: Zooey Deschanel.

Vaccines are racist.

The pro-Vietnam war hard hat riots.

Women should not be held responsible for their actions after drinking.
Related: Fixing rape culture in 3 easy steps.

Looks like the MRA’s are getting some support from feminists.

Feminism: Marriage for me but not for thee.
Related: More from Tracy Clarke-Flory, where she becomes an unfeminist bridezilla.
Related: Hehe… Talk of feminist weddings. Feminists are funny.

Slate XX feminist engages in beard shaming. I love the hypocrisy of feminists.

How feminism undermined itself.

Gamers, Anita Sarkeesian, and narcissism.

Study: Paid maternity leave doesn’t work.

Murdering grandma does not reduce health care costs.

Canada has lotteries for a family doctor. I have a family doctor I haven’t seen in 5 years; I usually just use a drop-in if I need. The only reason I got to sign up was because I phoned the clinic the first hour on opening day.

DC Court of Appeals strikes down birth control mandate.

A small list of Obama’s lies and abuses.
Related: The NYT covers for Obama.
Related: It is now acceptable for the president to directly influence journalists. Wonder what the reaction would be if his name was Nixon?

Whitehouse pressuring insurance insiders who speak about ACA.

““Can’t you email it to me?” Alice asked. We’re not set up for that, the Obamacare operator replied.” Everything you need to know about government in one sentence.

Matt Walsh becomes a liberal.

Your Brahmin superiors lecturing you on your mode of transport.

How are you enjoying the ice-free Arctic.

The stupidity of forcing your parenting strategies on others.

Rules of writing: the four elements of a novel.


(H/T: GLP, Instapundit, SDA,

Lightning Round – 2013/10/30

Shattering the delusion; a must-read for Christian men. I’ve come to a similar conclusion in the last year.

SMV is real; the data supports Rollo’s chart.
Related: The deeper economics of the sexual marketplace.

The single father deficit crisis. Related.

Related: Defeating the demon of entitlement.

Rollo on NAWALT.

See a woman how she sees herself.
Related: Using “good girl”.
Related: Sadly, shallow communication is where I am the most weak.

A follow-up to the Daily Beast article of last week.

Wives and denial of sex in marriage.
Related: Lazy housewives.
Related: The love and caring of submission.
Related: Bored housewives: women need struggle.

On the proper division of housework.

HUS goes off the rails in her criticism of the SMV graph.
Related: HUS goes further off the rail in regards to rape stats.
Related: A bit more on Susan’s intelelctual failure.
Related: Man, Susan has taken a lot of criticism this week.

Jack Donovan on the 20/20 piece, the KKK, and Salon.

Basic girl game: how to land and keep a boyfriend.

Defining tradcon feminism: Theory, Principles,

The insane anti-female ideology of modern feminism.
Related: Pope Pius XI on women.

Courting, marriage, and busting rates. If she’s not happy with a very basic ring, she’s not worth marrying.

Women are either equal or they aren’t.

Can stupid, young women be held accountable?

A good post on the victim culture of the “rape culture” movement.

Now that is cynical.


On modesty.

Maybe I should use less foul language here? “Evil words for evil things”, but is that just self-justification for using degenerate language? Hmmm…

I wonder how long until some of these divorced men start murdering the judges?

On being friends with women.

ABlack spade (cards)’s story.
Related: Francis’ journey.

Dicipres returns after a couple months to advocate spanking your wife.

“It is the OBLIGATION of any man who wants to better civilization by promoting intellectual endeavours, learning and civilized behaviour to ALSO be attractive to women.”

The distinction between the good of groups and of individuals.

Neoreaction research priorities
Related: Questions.

The underlying problem of the anti-reaction FAQ.
Related: The decline frame.
Related: In response to claims concerning Chang Hsien-chong
Related: Jim on crime against the anti-reactionary FAQ.
Related: The problem of measuring the decline.

Neoreaction is anti-utopian.

Monarchy, Schelling points, and Japan.

The necessity of propaganda.

Democracy is rule by idiots who vote for things that sound good to them at the time.”

Brian Leiter, philosopher and Brahmin paragon, wants to lock you up.

Defectives deserve death.

Why have major technological changes stopped since the 1960s?

A bleak view of the church’s immediate future.

The iron laws of pedagogy.

Half of newborns will see their parents split by 15.
Related: A divorced friend or relative greatly increases odds of divorce.

How to fight the welfare bums.

Looking forward to our future of eating beans.

America Inc. and the trouble with Texas.
Related: A book review and a good discussion of immigration.
Related: Immigration and female coders.

Race, crime, and the creation of banlieus in America.

The outrages of public school are not a failing; they’re the goal.

The curse of the middle class: the ambiguity of status.

The pill and the doctrine of double effect.

Hehe… Steve Sailer with a great little quip.

Secular theism.

25 reasons for Trinitarian scepticism.

Against ADHD.

Advice for preppers.

“The whole purpose of politics and hence of government is to reward failure, if people succeed and prosper, the they don’t need government. Politicians* promise unearned rewards, and the more vicious ones promise to penalise success. Some set out to penalise success and promise reward to those who set them on their way.”

The seen and unseen in Sweden. I noticed similar in Norway; a pizza was about $30-40 and a McD’s cheeseburger meal was about $10.

The problem of the 40-hour work week.

The government wants to start tracking your car, at some point.

Armed citizen prevents mass shooting.

Wow… That’s one awesome 10-year-old.

Pepper-spraying cop awarded $38k in damages.

Gays: the creation of a voting bloc.

A great post on healthcare.
Related: Obama knowingly lied about people not losing their insurance. I’m surprised.
Related: Once more, those in pain must suffer to protect the failures from themselves.

Just another example of the institutionalized lies of the left.

France: A warning on the self-limiting nature of government.

Why should banks be able to blame the victims of identity thefts for the banks’ errors?

The philosophical failure of modern science.
Related: Science has lost its way.

The changing politics of public sector pensions.

Food stamp enrollment increased by 70%.

(H/T: Phantom Soapbox, Rex, CC, Foseti, Instapundit)

Lightning Round – 2013/10/23

It’s your fault.
Related: The minimalist’s guide to being rich.
Related: The great hamster wheel.

Generation Fucked Over.
Related: Why kids today don’t have it easy.
Related: A failure of parenting.

The quest for truth.
Related: Why man needs his myths.

r/K selection and master-slave morality.

A rant against rants against church rants.

ABC would lie (read the comments) about the manosphere? Colour me shocked.
Related: CC on the article.
Related: The article is a pre-planned hatchet job on the MRM and manosphere.
Related: JB thinks it will be a train wreck.
Related: Matt Forney on his interview.
Related: It’s a hit piece, but it will still grow us.
Related: Roissy with his take.
Related: Private Man’s take.
Related: Kid Strangelove with a liberal take.
Related: Dr. Illusion’s take.
Related: The Gell-Mann amnesia effect.
Related: ABC, 20/20 and the Manosphere: the real story.
Related: Is Sarah Figalora guilty of journalistic fraud?
Realted: Are Alyssa Pry and Alexa Valiente Guilty of Journalistic Fraud?
Related: This cracked me up. Hilarious.
Related: Dr. Illusion on the piece.

Some more mainstream coverage of the manosphere. Never heard of this Hembling person though.
Related: SSM is picked up by Amanda Marcotte. We’re nearing the big time.

The truth of manosphere community beliefs.

Having both parents, father and mother, matters.

SSM would rather be owned by her husband than the state.

Amos & Gromar expertly dissect the lies of feminist slut culture. Young women, read this.
Related: How feminism self-perpetuates; today’s slut, tomorrow’s spinsters. I think #7 is by far the most telling of the list.
Related: The pyrrhic victory of a Tuesday night bang.
Related: The math of feminism and marriage.

The rise of the Renegade Alpha.

How to escalate with women 101.

Why Ace fears strong, independent women.

The dictatorship of the crazy woman.
Related: Vox advises men on how to deal with crazy.
Related: Another little lesson about divorce.
Related: Women are the threat to marriage.

The utter worthlessness of feminists displayed.

Women whine because they’re sensitive to others perceptions.

Female privilege.

JB is moving to aVfM.

Rollo defends his SMV graph.
Related: A woman shouldn’t try to know her number.

The wages of female education in Japan and Singapore.
Related: Welcome to Japan: our future, today.

Rape culture vultures.
Related: “Rape” is ex post facto regret.
Related: The modern definition of rape.
Related: Racist Sandra Foehl continues to help destroy falsely accused man’s life.

Liberal feminist: Best rape prevention is for women to stop getting wasted.
Related: Alcohol-related rape is the only crime for which liberals desire harsher penalties rather than prevention.

Women wear make-up to advertise their fertility.

Laid gets chicks qualifying to him with #FatShamingWeek.
Related: Why fat shaming is unnecessary.

Evil cupcakes are sexists who prey on young women.

A bit on sexbots.

Fiat everything.

An anti-reactionary FAQ; the first rational, comprehensive objection to the neoreaction. It’s very well done and will take a good while to unpack.
Related: Michael writes off a quick response.
Related: Bryce has a response on sluttiness.

On the other end of the spectrum: what the hell is a dark neoreactionary?
Related: Why lie when the truth should be sufficient.

Reactionaries and neoreactionaries.

The casual cruelty of the Brahmin overclass.

A new Moldbuggian class.

Sanctimonious Fnargl.

Leap on voting laws. Seems like he might start leaning towards monarchy soon.

An excerpt on revolution.

Atheism can’t be practised.

The new use of old churches.

Arm the world.

The future depends on libraries.

Scientistry and seamless transitions.
Related: Be careful of trusting experts.
Related: The failure of modern science.


Food security and poverty aren’t the issue; tradition is.
Related: Poor people aren’t really poor.
Related: If you want to prevent starvation, shoot a socialist.

If I were in charge of welfare

72 hours without EBT.
Related: Obama’s stormtroopers are being summoned.

They are coming for you.

Why Obama doesn’t matter.

Potemkin parliament.
Related: The re-iterated game of chicken.

Bipartisanship sucks.
Related: A shameful episode.

The country is finding out what’s in the Obamacare bill. This bill is cutting a huge swath through the middle class. Guess the Brahmins have finally been able to stick it to the Vaisyas nice and hard.
Related: Canada has death panels and ‘that’s a good thing’.
Related: Surgery caps in Canada. Something else for Yanks to look forward to.
Related: Obama vows to exempt himself from Obamacare.
Related: Obamacare offers voter registration. Might as well get the parasites right from the host.
Related: Daily K-os is learning what’s in the bill.

The government really is the only thing all leftists belong to.

Another housing bubble in the making?

Democrats and public school teachers send their kids to private school.

Yale professor surprised to find Tea Party scientifically literate because he doesn’t know any.

The nuttiness of Salon.

Dogs are great.

The inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Some ideas on reparations.

Pirates are complaining about being treated as such.

Roundabouts and social capital.

Asians and cheating.
Related: Stupid U and faking the GPA.

Modern sugar consumption. (Although the 765g and 4.3lbs factoids seem contradictory).

A possible video game crash in the near future?

Little girls like to know they’re pretty; in a decent society their father would reassure them. In our society, they must turn to strangers on the internet.

The hypocrisy of liberals once again illustrated:
Emily Bazelon, Oct. 15, 5:39 PM: Charging two female teenagers for bullying someone to death is wrong. Blame the parents.
Emily Bazelon, Oct. 15, 9:35 PM: It’s good to charge two male teenagers for drunken sex. What parents?
Remember: Males are always to blame, females are never to blame.

(H/T: Instapundit, Foseti, SDA, On the Rock, Isegoria, CC)

Lightning Round 2013/10/16

#FatShamingWeek ends. #AnorexiaShamingWeek fails to gain traction.
Related: A round-up on the success.
Related: Top 14 tweets from #FatShamingWeek. None of mine.
Related: Your forefathers would be ashamed of your physical condition.
Related: Atheists are fat.
Related: A fat tax proposal.
Related: Fat gays are shamed as well.
Related: I feel almost guilty over how much I laughed over this.

Amos and Gromar post their 26 theses. Great stuff.

Joseph did not man up.

On wifely submission.
Related: SSM on submission.
Related: Cane on where submission ends. I think he has the right of it.
Related: A heart-warming story of strength and submission.

New Blog: Die Gallantly. Some good stuff; he seems to concentrate on finances and productivity.

Matt Forney has the last laugh.
Related: Judgy Bitch makes actual legitimate criticisms of Matt’s infamous insecurity piece.
Related: Feminist lies about Roosh’s book. Surprising.

Every man has a breaking point.

There’s not enough time to do everything you want.

Elevating romantic love above real love.

Do people fear romantic success more than failure?
Related: Humour: 5 ways you sabotage your love life.

Why millenials had to exist.

A guest post by Deti on the average American girl.
Related: Donal finds a story of warning.
Related: The parable of two fortunes.

Girl game for quiet girls.

Saving the family is fundamental to saving society.

What is to be done?
Related: The ground is moving.

The Last Psychiatrist with another great one on media. Also, this comment is one of the greatest examples of missing the point I have ever read.

The modern “right wing” exists to take the blame of the failings of the left.

A Brave New World glossary.

What if men disappeared?

A variety of manosphere-related studies.
Related: Divorce risk correlates with a wife’s share of household income.

Studies on low testosterone.

A snail mail experiment.

Under feminism women are less human.

Seven ways American women have replaced dad with government.

It’s only rape when the he doesn’t fall in love.
Related: Feminist hypocrisy on menstruation.
Related: The real sexual double standard. Hypocrisy from the left? Surprising.

Women who don’t get men.

Imagine the outcry if this were boys rating girls. The hypocrisy is astounding though: “When it does, that will be a different story.”

Quitting is leadership, if you’re a woman.

Erin Pizzy and the domestic violence industry.
Related: The delusion of women regarding DV.

It’s always funny watching feminists whine about threats of violence after they spent weeks threatening violence against Forney and #FatShamingWeek participants.

Get this: most people find work not meaningful, yet childcare meaningful. Why are feminists insisting on tearing women away from the latter to do the former?

Twitter: As typical white/Asian males build something; everybody else demands the fruits of success.

Female privilege.
Related: Privilege nonsense.

The stupidity of “Safety First!” and entitled parents.

The age neg.

Even at my most omega, I never would have even contemplated being this pathetic.
Related: GBFM with some more greatness buried in the comments.

Religiousity: Cooperation or reproduction.

On segregation.

Russian race riot.
Related: The rise of rape in Sweden.
Related: Sweden’s egalitarianism isn’t. Surprising.

Everything you need to know about feminism in one sentence: “I love (and hate) dating Russian men: The macho guys from my home country leave me torn between my feminist beliefs and my sexual desires.”

Front National in the lead.

Golden Dawn second most popular party in Greece.
Related: Greece may begin confiscating private assets.

The slow birth of American secessionism.

Police 3x as likely to murder you as concealed carry permit holders.

More NSA spying revelations.

US Army: Christians are a hate group. What happens when Christians stop joining the army?
Related: Are the recent military purges suspicious?

There will be no default (sadly).

The falling wages of American society.

EBT cards go down at Walmart. Turmoil in food stamp nation.
Related: EBT theft.

90 climate projections vs. reality.

Obamacare is not the law of the land.
Related: Obamacare website crashing because they don’t want you to know the cost.
Related: Obamacare was started as a throwaway line for a stump speech.

NPS goons remove trail water fountain handles

Making Indians suffer.
Related: The story of the state’s destruction of A&P.

Ashkenazi Jews may be Italians.

How to rename the Redskins.

The war on Halloween.

Animating women is hard because they have larger ranges of emotions.

Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian stole her game sources. Related video below:

(H/T: Phineas, SDA, Art of Man, InstapunditD&P, Will, CC)

Lightning Round – 2013/10/09

If you’re not reading Matt Forney’s Twitter feed, you’re missing one of the greatest things on the internet in a while. Also on Twitter, #FatShamingWeek.

Some good marriage game advice.
Related: Sometimes it’s the little things that matter.

Donal with a good analysis of romantic architecture.
Related: Cane on women and their number.

Chooser and chosen.

The myth of the PUA.
Related: Game and truth.
Related: The amoral symmetry between PUAs and prositutes.

Break down your ego.

Beauty is not subjective.

Chivalry is dead; women killed it.
Related: The evolution of the white knight.

The downfall of assortive mating.
Related: The rape of our culture: Marriage is supposed to be a bedrock, not a capstone.
Related: Some evidence women are using the government to supplant men.

Martel takes a break.

Choosing the best workout plan. Timely for me as I am beginning a workout plan and almost let the best be the enemy of the good.
Related: Six pack abs.

And people wonder why young men are angry and irresponsible?
Related: The real gender gap.

Is progress holding us back?

Answers to 10 objections to traditionalism and monarchism.
Related: A world of security.

You are comfortable, but you are alone.

Material conditions and mass psychology.
Related: When to appropriate progressive concepts.

The lies aren’t alright.

Churchill and communism.

The Cathedral has a branch in Canada as well.
Related: The stupidity and ignorance of the CBC.

McCarthy was right.

Roissy pulls out an insightful comment.

Do people even date anymore? Decent comments.

The war on Christians. Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world.

How far should churches go to appeal to men?
Related: The idol worship of Christian women.

Remember, it’s all about her.
Related: WRE: Mormon Edition.

More churchian marriage advice.
Related: Some more unbiblical, “Christian” teaching on marriage.

Womanly interests and frivolity.

What Francis shows Catholics about Catholics.

Titanic movies illustrate the decline.

How Oklahoma was settled in a day. This could not happen in our modern world.

Guess the KKK-infested county.

The soft trauma of standardized education.

The mainstream war on comments.

People are beginning to know what’s in the bill.
Related: Enforcing Obamacare. Possibly a hoax.

Unfortunately the government has not shut down.
Related: The shutdown is lawful, democratic government at its finest.

An open letter to Obama. Ouch.
Related: White House purposefully screws over veterans for political reasons.
Related: Blogging the shutdown.
Related: Park that receives no federal funding ordered shutdown.
Related: Punishing your enemies.
Related: Bureaucrats attempt to inflict unnecessary pain.
Related: Abuses in the name of the shutdown.
Related: Yet somehow the mall can be specially opened for immigration reform protesters. Shocking.
Related: McDonald’s employee paid $15/hr by unions to protest veterans.

Make gaming better by ruining it.

Roosh: matchmaker.

Stereotyping is a feature, not a bug.

Important lessons on rape for females.

As I’ve said before: the defining feature of current feminism is that women are devoid of agency.

Cheating, beating, and male privilege.

Feminist fascism starts young.
Related: Women regretting having feminist mothers.

Remember Tracy Clarke-Flory? She fantasized about being a stripper and now is banning her beta husband from going to a strip club.

Are liberals functionally retarded? How can someone not know the difference between hating the sin and hating the sinner?

Those poor holier-than-thou leftists. How can they  reconcile their ideology with their actions? (Notice the answer is self-segregate and white flight).

America declines; DC grows.

The price of delusion.

The New Republic implies Obama should shell congress.

(H/T: SDA, Instapundit, Tam)

Lightning Round – 2013/08/02

How winning is done.

Started using this: HabitRPG. Look like it might be a good self-improvement tool.

The Last Psychiatrist is back with a doozy: “Reducing yourself because you think it’s a show of solidarity is a straight up chick thing to do… only a woman would allow another person to reduce themselves in a show of support.”

The ten-year friendship heuristic.

Boys need to prove their manhood.
Related: Making a natural.

Rhetoric Lessons: Repackaging yourself.
Related: A bit more on negs: they are not insults.
Related: If it isn’t fun you aren’t doing it right.

Romance and the red pill.

Roosh makes a list of 10 books every man should read.
Related: Rollo has released his book. I’ll probably read/review it when it gets to Amazon.

Radish takes on feminism with excellent results.
Related: Defend civilization: slut-shame.
Related: Traditional gender roles beget more sex.

How a woman can get the guy.
Related: Timeless marriage advice for the young Christian woman.
Related: The paradox of hypergamy.
Related: New site: Women for Men.

The road to marriage: sammiches.
Related: Food=love. Beware any women unwilling to cook for you.

Female outliers: the part is subordinate to the whole.

The boyfriend/girlfriend culture.

Don Jon and pornography. Glenn’s take.

The stupidity of adolescence.

Discernment and the sexes.

The worthlessness of modern oaths.

The coming suicide epidemic.

The modernist denial of the other.

Moldbug’s Gentle Introduction is available in .pdf format. Read it if you haven’t. Also, wow, 269 pages. It didn’t’ seem that long when I was reading it on the blog.
Related: Some Moldbug quotes to ease you in.

Religion, eugenics, and evolution.

The fascism of “anti-fascists”.
Related: A coup d’etat in the works in Greece?

Original sin and anti-racism.
Related: A letter from a university TA forced to take “diversity training.”
Related: Black progressives call for the replacement of white Americans.

All non-consensual touch is sexual assault.
Related: The biggest challenge facing young women.
Related: Feminist catchphrase translator.

The cancerous corporate empire.

The disgusting view of the Cathedral toadies.
Related: Everyone hates environmentalists and feminists, but they always win anyway.

A UoToronto professor not interested in teaching books by women; the lynch mob fires itself up in the comments.  A feminist who’s not a complete fascist responds.

The difference between conservative and liberal solidarity.

The fake shutdown confrontation.

Why many people believe government leaves them alone.

Karl Denniger drops out.

The face of the average women in different countries. (Germany, Sweden, and Netherlands win).

Even millionaire women are hypergamous.

Against the current pope.
Related: The pope’s personal beliefs are not the greatest concern.
Related: The old religion is gone.
Related: The provincialism of present papal politics.

For the Christians: Butt-prints in the Sand.

Feminism has taken over Christianity Today. Time to rename it: Progressivism Today.

A planned birth control proposal. I’ve become more opposed on a moral level to birth control over the last while, so I’m not sure what I think of this plan.

Hatemonger Kyla Garvey gets two firemen fired.

Bertie Brandes, writer for the Guardian and Vice UK, calls for illegal action against a private website. Let’s see if we can make her calls for illegal action get ranked for her name on Google. Also, this deluded woman, who writes for the Guardian of all places, fantasizes that she is the one raging against the machine. How warped a mind does it take to even consider that a remote possibility?

Homosexuals persecuting Christians in the Air Force. There is no gay agenda.

Putin deals with pirates.

Australia wins right to remain Australian.

Bearing arms is a basic human right (or would be if I believed in human rights).
Related: Women disarming America.
Related: Seems the women at Slate have a selective like of self-defence.
Related: The consequences of following the advice of the VP.

Some stupid pro-abortion arguments thrashed.

Right Wing Obamacare Myths DEBUNKED! Hehe…
Related: Obamacare: expectations and reality.
Related: Obamacare, punishing marriage.

Humour: 5 Ridiculous Myths about the Dark Ages.

Six castles that cost less than NYC apartments.

(H/T: Instapundit, Anissimov, SDA, Isegoria, vulture, Apricity)

Lightning Round – 2013/09/25

Laidnyc has a free e-book and wants you to help his dog.
Related: Dogs are awesome.

Victor Pride with advice for the entrepreneur.

Be inscrutable.

Have an abundance mentality.

I, Me, Mine. Men need responsibility and something of their own.

34 insight from Nassim Taleb.

Self-esteem is narcissism for losers and slaves.
Related: You’re lonely because you’re sincere.

Thumotic on testosterone replacement therapy.

Men determine what is beautiful in women.
Related: Empirical observations of weight negatively effecting attractiveness.
Related: Why there will always be a sexual double standard.

Ignore the socialist clap-trap; there is a good lesson here for young women.
Related: The effects of the wall laid out plain.
Related: The wall, in fast forward.
Related: Facebook and walls.

A few things on tattoos.

Single mother households have tripled? Astonishing!

It’s all lies.

Commitment hobbles men.
Related: The decline of man.

A nation of crybabies.

In-depth on the neg.

Florence Nightingale on female sympathy.

Radical feminists vs. lifeboat feminists.

The campus rape myth.

This comic hurts my brain.

Thoughts on morality, nihilism, and Christianity. A must read.

The internet argument checklist for liberals
Related: A little hamster appeared in my comments on my n-count post.

The thugs of the Cathedral.

Amos & Gromar destroy a piece of pseudo-philosophy.

I ended up on GMP’s site and has it ever gotten limp-wristed.

The increasing desire to “get fired and collect unemployment.”

The empirical claims of neoreaction.

Pax AMA. He is a neoreactionary and is familiar with Moldbug.
Related: CNN: Heresy could result in shunning.
Related: Anil Dash is a coward, a liar, and a bully.

Do American Christians care about Syrian Christians? Given the American support for the rebels intent on killing them I doubt it.
Related: Something sensible on Syria.
Related: The sham of democracy.

Decivilization in Detroit.

A Canadian example of the regulatory state in action.

Unions will be the next slavery.
Related: Unions are evil.

Progressives: solving the problems of those who have none.

The decline of a civilization begins in a decline of its people. We’re doomed.

Man panics over concealed carry, gets charged. Hehe.

Roissy outdoes himself in the immorality game.

Rand won the battle in the church between Jesus and Rand.

The Pope: Pastoral care over doctrine.
Related: Seems the media has been misinterpreting the Pope.
Related: Others think the pope is surrendering.
Related: Doesn’t matter, the Catholic universities will doom the church.
Related: Maybe it’s not so bad.

7 times as much sexual misconduct happens in the California public schools as it did in the Catholic Church.

The insanity of preventing military from carrying guns.

Facebook is child rape.

Science: Could you have multiple different personal genomes?

David Suzuki a know-nothing phony.

Obamacare in two charts.

Dutch king kills the welfare state, starts participation society.

The red state welfare claim is a lie.

I am becoming more ambivalent about vaccines the more pro-vaxxers talk. Also, why do totalitarians pretend they are libertarian?

Scientists told to cover up the fact the earth hasn’t warmed in 15 years.

Why you can never trust liberals: “the overwhelming majority of food stamp recipients are white… USDA data show that in 2011, 37 percent of food stamp users (pdf) were from white, non-Hispanic households.”

Romney becomes an adoptive grandfather of black child. Left reacts predictably.

Is addiction rational?

Stats on women in the military.

(H/T: SDA, Borepatch, Instapundit, Vulture, Zippy, CC, GLP,

Lightning Round – 2013/09/18

I’ve decided to try to be cool by joining the Twitter.  Check it out for whatever ideas I have that aren’t blog-length.  If you don’t follow me, you’ll miss out on lovely gems like this:

When men hoist the pirate flag.
Related: If no men showed up for work.

Turn laziness into accomplishment.

The Red Pill in Business Insider. It’s actually more balanced than I expected.

Why Gen-Y yuppies are unhappy.
Related: Feminism is causing the depression epidemic.
Related: Against female self-esteem.
Related: You are unhappy because you are free.

Malcolm’s lament: weakness is not goodness.

Creepiness and our unnatural social relations.

Science: The neg works.
Science: The appeal of male dominance.

The art of approach.

Don’t cram; enjoy the process.

DP explains game.
Related: The law of night game: have fun.

A note on frame control.

Girl game tip: be available.

Moldbug returns to analyze the Brown Scare.
Related: Frost on Pax Dickinson.
Related: CR talks to Pax about his new business venture. Found here.
Related: Is Pax a reactionary? His twitter feed shows a lot of red pill; he even links Alternative Right and Roissy, and retweets gyus like Frost, Stratton, Anarcho-Papist, and Anissimov.
Related: Capitalism is dead in the US.
Related: Pax Dickenson, public shaming, and the internet.
Related: State and race-baiters try to confiscate dead man’s estate.

32 facts about the systematic emasculation of American men.

Wright with an excellent piece on political correctness.

How to defeat NYC media liberals.

Calling liberals racist.
Related: Real men aren’t socialists.

“Christian discipline isn’t saying no to your desires, it’s figuring out what they really are and learning how to make them come to life.”

Cane: Game is like a toolbox after all.

Red pill alerts.
Related: Something to watch for when considering marriage.

When God asks too much.
SSM deals with the “what if my husband wants me to sin?” trope.

I agree in theory that the man away from home at work is not optimal, but other than self-employment/homesteading off the grid, how is this possible? Somebody has to earn and not everybody can do those two.

Examining the natural aristocracy.

The need for loyalty oaths.

Friendship and HBD.

Those that disarm you are trying to kill you. Never forget.

The conformity of diversity and introversion.

How to make school better for boys.

Feminist Hanna Rosin: The patriarchy is dead. There’s a lot of red pill in the comments.

It’s time for women to women up.

Feminism is about “respect”.

Women, justice, and lenient sentencing.

6 reasons not to send your daughter to college. The comments are funny; they actually think you learn critical thinking at college.
Related: Evidence supporting why men don’t like “intelligent” women.

I wonder what Jezebel’s opinion on fat women that take up 1.5 seats is?

NFP and contraception.

Pope: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven. A mistranslation possibly?

How to fight being forced into immorality by the law.

Corporations demand cheap labour to replace the people they laid off.
Related: Government stupidity on criminal immigrants.

Economist: The US is broke; the fiscal gap is $200 trillion.

Obamacare intrudes into your sexual life. Wonder if this will rile the feminists?Obama openly aiding Muslim terrorists.

Nearly half of US births covered by Medicaid. Dysgenics in action.

Obamacare intrudes into your sexual life. Wonder if this will rile the feminists?
Related: Union: Obamacare must be appealed.

Fatter people have smaller brains.

How the academy has ruined science.
Related: Global warming models were wrong. Surprising.

Which is worse: chem weapons or sawing a man’s head off?
Related: German intelligence intercepts: Assad rejected use of chemical weapons.

Using BJJ against a bully. A heart-warming story.

A reminder: the lesser Krugman is still ignorant.
Related: Krugman, sneering while wrong.

Humour: The weirdest things we’ve learned since 9/11.

Sometimes liberal racism is more openly shared:

(H/T: Foseti, CC, SDA, MF, IP