Lightning Round – 2013/05/12

Hello to all my Russian friends. I have no idea what the page that linked to me says, but welcome here.

Steve Ermis, Sergeant Minnicks: Spread their names.

13 reasons you should start an online business. I gotta start working on mine again.
He also rereleased his Spartan’s guide to online businesses; hope you didn’t miss it.
Related: Advice for the intelligent slacker.

Statement-statement-question. Some good advice here.
Related: JB responds. Roissy with the tactics; JB with the strategy.

Cane with a gooder on sex.
Related: More Christian advice on sex.

Disclaimers for Christian men seeking marriage.

Most married couples are satisfied.
Related: JB responds.

Women like dick and that is a righteous thing.
Related: How to save your daughters from a shitty life.

Is WRE really PRE?
Related: The woman is not always the problem.

GIA explained: a great concept.

Hamsters and shrews.

Women like the strong horse: WW2 edition.

Deti’s advice on new girls.

The effort of game. Hardly seems worth it for a simple lay.

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

EW analyses a poll.

Private Man is now offering one-on-one dating advice.

Ian drops his new book.

GBFM’s dating profile. Hilarious.

How game could have benefitted Jason Richwine. Advise for heretics.

Fear and apathy.

The price of taking the red pill. As to #4, I rarely self-censor.

The MRM is no place for men.
Related: Seems there’s been some controversy among the MRA’s due to a female MRA.

What MGTOW is.
Related: 10 Commandments of MGTOW.

The end of the feminist nomenklatura.
Related: The totalitarian trap of the long march through the family.
Related: Jezebel’s vigilante squad.
Related: Facebook censorship begins in record time.

Please Stop Hooking Up With My [Future] Husband. Oh, schadenfreude; aging single women are amusing.

M3 on the hypocrisy of fat acceptance.

What should reactionaries do? Create clubs.

Forney still does amazing book reviews; even if it’s a book I never heard of and don’t care the slightest about.

Why are people surprised by the IRS scandal? This is what governments do.
Related: The destruction of accountable government.

NSA collecting phone records of Verizon customers.
US government monitoring information on 9 major internet companies.
Related: The US government is completely lawless.
Related: Edward Snowden is a hero.

Against NFP.

The importance of fatherhood.

Sports: boys vs. girls.

More Christian man-up rants.

Reaction as a return to natural order.

The trust premium of civilization.

An open letter to the nation’s seniors.

Elite does not equal conservative.

The next credit crash in the making.

Letting criminals immigrate so the state can expand.

Who’s dehumanizing them more: those who pimped them out, or those who deny the existence of their volition?
Related: “Moral responsibility is the essence of humanity.”

Mental illness and progressivism.

The Atlantic: Weak, seeker-oriented religion drives young people away.

Female sexual predators.

Men are more pro-life and pro-marriage.

Female doctors cause doctor shortage.

Non-profit giving free guns to the poor.

We should ban public schooling to prevent these kinds of tragedies.
Related: Single mothers should be held accountable.

I think we should extend this: given that more children are killed because of public school than guns, we should prosecute every parent that sends their children to public school.

Also, Justin Peters (Slate) is a lying intellectual whore, like most liberals:
“Of course, the most effective way to eliminate accidental shooting deaths would be to eliminate guns. But that’s never going to happen, and, frankly, I don’t think it should happen—contrary to what some might think, I’m not flogging this issue as some sneaky method of advocating the abolition of gun rights.”
The next day: “This thing is legal now, but let’s hope it isn’t for long.”

Never back down to the savages. WRE in the school.

Homeschooling is growing.
Related: How to handle teachers unions.
Homeschool or die.

College is still a scam.

A mock commencement speech. Hehe.

Breaking news: responsible people more likely to have responsible opinions.

Youth unemployment surges in Europe.

(H/T: MSEG, MF, Foseti, Instapundit, CM, Roissy, HUS)

6 responses to “Lightning Round – 2013/05/12

  • Leap of a Beta

    I’ve been especially liking the last couple weeks of links. Also, somehow I got unsubscribe from following you, probably my stupid phone, so now I have to play catch up.

    I’ll also note I just released a follow up to the elites don’t equal conservatives, going over the dangers faced by traditionalist based groups of any size. Both as things that men forming tribes should be aware of, and so that men discussing these things with liberals are able to counter some of the cons any liberal will bring up. I’d love some feedback, as I tried to be thorough and cover all the cons I could think of in depth, but this is new territory for me having been raised and steeped in liberal culture.

  • Leap of a Beta

    Also, thanks for the linkage.

  • Cane Caldo

    Thanks for the promotion.

  • Tim

    If you look into where your Russian visitors are coming from, I’ll bet that you’ll find several of your page views coming from Russian porn sites. I had many page views from similar sources a few months ago.

  • sunshinemary

    Thanks for the linkage!

  • Free Northerner

    @ Leap: I made a comment. I didn’t see any problems with the analysis.

    @ Tim: It’s actually a legitimate link. The url has Dark Enlightenment in it and the post is a wall of cyrillic text.

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